Top 20 Cost Saving Ideas For Facility Management

One issue that often arises with IT cost-cutting is the fact that not all cost savings are actual savings for the organization. For example, a large organization may charge different IT groups a rate for mainframe usage and these organizations may spend time making their applications more efficient to reduce their mainframe costs. Our first facility management strategy for reducing operating costs requires long-term thinking. Facility management professionals should view each of their decisions as an investment for the future.

Best IT cost reduction ideas

This strategy became popular a few years ago with the creation of powerful PCs that could be linked together and perform as well as expensive mid-range servers. If your organization knows you will be hiring a certain number of new graduates, they can plan for this when they have attrition. Find a local college you like, develop a relationship with the placement office, and recruit there consistently. Also, using interns can be a good way to find talent; see my article on building a great internship program for more details.

IT costs are an expensive component of any organization’s budget. Cutting these costs can be difficult when there are so many other priorities and the fact that many costs seem like they are fixed. This article will show that many IT costs are not as fixed as they might appear and offers suggestions for reducing the IT budget. Despite a plethora of tools and best practices, many organizations still fail to properly track, budget and account for technology. While doing as much as the deadline permits, planning and measuring success will help determine the best approach to budget cuts, according to Ganly. “Beyond that, some organizations in this environment have moved a step further in looking to sell existing assets, bring in the cash for those and then lease them back,” Ganly said.

How To Reduce Your Aws Bill: 7 Proven Ways

Index savings include outside savings that result from the external markets and typically impact the supply chain, products, or services. For example, a company might have a $10,000 machine with a 10-year lifespan. That business could purchase a $20,000 machine with a 40-year lifespan. Even if the machines have the same output rate, the company wouldn’t have to reinvest in the equipment every decade.

For example, there can be a large cost if programmers are working with outdated and/or multiple versions of hardware and software. I like using a metric to show how well the hardware/software in place is compliant with the architectural roadmap. In addition, automating your regression tests can save money and improve quality. Finally, there are large costs incurred when programmers take shortcuts to hit deadlines as this often results in much more work later (look up ‘technical debt’ for more details on this concept).

Best IT cost reduction ideas

Historically, managers were evaluated against the no-surprises standard. However, by rewarding managers for protecting against low-probability, low-consequence events, this standard has predictably produced excess costs. Overhead should be incurred for only three purposes—to enable your direct activities, increase their effectiveness, or lay the groundwork for growth. And each kind of overhead should be held to a different standard. To get to 10%, go with incremental ideas that do not significantly disrupt your organization’s or department’s interactions with others.

We work step-by-step with clients to ensure each project’s success. Our strong team of consultants employs an adaptable framework to guide clients to the best decision for their unique situations. We do what we say we are going to do, with integrity, tenacity, and a genuine passion for the work throughout the entire project. Utilize standard tools and templates to expedite the process and ensure deliverable consistency and quality.

These are proven facility management strategies to reduce operating costs, and can be implemented to save on energy, labor, and material costs. Next step is to check your list one more time and search for controllable operating costs. ” In other words, you can reduce your operating expenses by just tracking them.

Tips On How To Lower Operating Cost For Smbs

By simultaneously addressing the variable and fixed budgets, companies capture a more well-rounded view of where cuts can be made. IT management should focus on eliminating and reducing variable costs as they change with activity or volume, but fixed costs should mostly be solved through elimination, Ganly said. While sunk costs should be avoided, not all projects can and should be stopped.

At a large health insurer, we found that a “clean” claim cost 80% less to process than one that required special handling. By redesigning its claim forms and eliminating exceptions that did not matter, the client saved more than half the cost of exceptions. Do you prepare long reports with comprehensive data when only exceptions matter or when the true consequences of variances are quite small? Do you prepare reports that cover short periods of time or are delivered in real time, when longer periods or slower reporting would meet the need just as well?

This approach can also help establish a close relationship between the organizations, making it easier to facilitate future transactions. Any business owner knows that materials account for a sizable amount of the budget. An alternative approach is to manufacture goods with fewer materials. Cost reduction is more than an antidote to unprecedented expenses. Optimizing business expenses means a company invests in fewer low-value assets. Work with your finance partner to obtain a solid view of the expense-level detail, such as expense accounts, and key balance sheet accounts, including expense accruals and prepayments.

Ways To Quickly Reduce It Costs

Each year, at a minimum, a business owner should reconsider vendor contracts to take into account what has changed, and where you can be cutting business expenses and operating costs. That includes negotiating contracts from food service to vending services to advertising to legal services. Any time a new vendor is needed, the company should solicit bids from three different vendors, ensuring they are getting the best value and so the vendors know to submit the best bid. Rubber stamping another year of service without going through the contract will not help with a cost reduction.

Unless cost cutting is new to the company, you’ve already done away with most discretionary, comfort, and non-mission-critical perks and activities, such as holiday parties, event tickets, and tuition reimbursement. If that’s the case, don’t try to eliminate more—you probably can’t. Combine activities like training days and celebrations into single events. Cross-schedule the use of outside resources, such as facilities or trainers.

Best IT cost reduction ideas

Cutting or stopping projects or services where costs have already been spent or incurred are of limited value. Cutting things that can’t be restarted, that have already been invested in or are ready to deliver will hurt when the organization is ready to accelerate again. Question whether recurring reports are not only useful, but worth the time spent on them, for example. Are there internal processes for handling anything from a phone call to a bill to an RFP process that could be shortened without affecting the outcome?


However, if you actively manage the cost, the controllable costs will seriously cut down. Establishing and communicating an easily understood imperative will help to ensure buy-in at all levels. One approach is simply illustrating the unsustainable environment of increasing costs relative to flat to declining revenues . The gap between the analysts/industry forecasts and management’s EPS goals can be converted to cost-reduction and revenues requirements and highlight the need to further reduce costs.

  • I like using a metric to show how well the hardware/software in place is compliant with the architectural roadmap.
  • Variable costs change with activity or volume; for example, telecommunications, contractors and consumables.
  • One west coast university we worked with saved $7,000.00 in their athletic facility alone by taking control of their indoor air.
  • Determine which programs involve an unusual amount of work to support a portion of the company that is unprofitable or less profitable than the company average.
  • An economic downturn is also a good time to review your compensation philosophy and review your compensation structures and pay equity in a way that will best support your organization for the times ahead.
  • This was illustrated when a local casino used our predictive analytics to discover times of the day where ventilation could be reduced.

These highly intelligent systems have API integration options that will truly make your easier as a facility management professional. Qlair easily connects to your Building Automation System to track and monitor your indoor environment and HVAC performance. “Look to use less, pay less. Look to the service levels, what can you do within the organization to achieve a better outcome,” said Ganly. “This means that there’s a heightened need for organizations around their cost management. Structured and strategic cost management is going to become even more important to organizations,” Ganly said. Here are just a few ideas to help you cut costs and creatively tackle workforce planning in the current economic climate.

Use An Online Bill And Pay Software Program

A contract might cost more but if they provide a better overall value, that may be a better deal and could represent overall savings. Reducing operating expenses for your small to medium sized business can be hard but isn’t impossible. Learning how to lower operating costs need discipline and employee buy in. It can take some time for you to get used to working within a lean budget, but you will be comfortable with that when you realize how important that step is for your business.

Decommission Software

Tax incentives or exemptions are often complementary to other types of support programs and include tax incentives relating to investments and production . Low-interest loans or soft loans are loans available at an interest rate below the market rate or longer repayment periods that help reduce investment-related costs. Soft loans have been used in combination with other support schemes, such as investment incentives to support renewable heating projects and combination with FiT systems or QOs for renewable electricity production. Executing all these strategies by yourself might take a very long time and lead to varied results. These processes are difficult to detect, optimize, and automate, so it’s better to seek help from professionals.

The convertible option is quite tricky, though; it doesn’t allow downsizing, so every time you convert an instance, you can only upgrade — from medium to large. Don’t start with a large size, begin with nano; otherwise, you will be tied to a contract for 12 to 36 months paying for unused storage. Exercising the same durability rates as the options above, this option stores data in a single availability zone and saves you 20% of your bills.

To avoid increasing energy rates and further eroding sales, companies are looking to reduce costs to meet shareholder expectations. This document provides an overview of the steps that you can take to achieve sustainable cost reductions. Both large and small businesses stand to benefit from cost reduction strategies.

When looking at HR cost reductions, there’s no need to ask departments to submit lists of people to lay off. Get smart about your cost reduction strategy, but understand who is underperforming and who is underemployed. Someone who is underperforming does not belong at your company, especially if they’ve been given warnings and have not improved. Employees need to understand that poor work performance won’t be tolerated.

Independent contractors can be used for specialized needs on a short term or part time basis. For example, if you need someone to handle your social media and the position would only take a few hours a month, it might be better to go with someone whose business focuses just on social media management. You’ll be working with an expert, and can scale that commitment up or down depending on your needs and HR cost, while cutting business expenses.

It is important to provide the teams the resources and latitude they need to be successful and encourage new approaches and ways of thinking.Final plans should be challenged by the leadership team prior to approval. Leaders from each functional area should present their approach and encourage peers from other functions to question and challenge everything, including plans, assumptions, targets, etc. During this challenge period, ensure everyone is maintaining an open mind, and adjust plans as needed. Slow economic and demand growth coupled with increased penetration of distributed energy resources has resulted in declining energy industry sales and revenues. Many companies have witnessed their non-fuel O&M costs increase in the face of rapidly declining generation and sales, creating an unsustainable environment .

The employee can use that money to invest in a better-quality phone, pay for increased data or just apply it to the bill. The company saves a significant amount of money and is not responsible for capital expenditures and there’s no need to negotiate and manage contracts. For example, one client had 10 people—spread across three departments—whose sole job was to check the accuracy of data sent in by field sales offices.

Reach out to us for a free parcel audit consultation and to learn how much you can save. In a large company, office supplies and other individual purchases add up quickly. That includes association memberships, which can often be negotiated in bulk. Consider offering company-wide subscriptions Cost Reduction Strategies to key publications instead of allowing departments or individuals to order and expense them on their own. Sometimes outside library vendors are worth their cost if they can negotiate and manage memberships and subscriptions, with better cost reduction opportunities.

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