The Institute was set up in 2013 by a founding group of practicing Business Psychologists as a home and a voice for those working or having a strong interest in Business Psychology. It was recognised that Business Psychologists came from a variety of psychology disciplines including Clinical and Educational, as well as Occupational, and at the time there was no professional home that accommodated all of them.

Institute of Business Psychology
Psychology Nigeria Psychological Association

The IBP has its own space and a different focus to the Division of Industrial/Organisational Psychology established on Wednesday, 25th November, 2015 (IOP), which is part of the Nigeria Psychological Association (NPA) The IBP is committed to increasing the awareness of the importance and value of a practical, business-led, evidence-based approach to the practice of Business Psychology. The IBP does not compete with the NPA, and many of the Association’s members subscribe to both organisations; in future, the IBP would seek more opportunities to collaborate with the NPA for mutual benefit. The Institute welcomes members from the NPA (as well as other organisations such as the CIPMN & NITAD) who feel that IBP membership, through CPD, networking, attendance at events, or professional recognition, can support them in their personal development.

Who We Are:
The Institute of Business Psychology (Nigeria) was established in 2013, with the sole purpose championing business psychology. The IBP sets out to achieve this by: Being inclusive: the home and the voice of those with an interest in Business Psychology Being accessible: making the application of psychology in business user-friendly Promoting Business Psychology: raising awareness of the benefits of BP for people and organizations. Demonstrating best practice: sharing examples of business psychology’s effective application in the workplace Building capability: enabling the development of knowledge and skills in business psychology Being sustainable: we operate as a financially sound association

The IBP will achieve this sole purpose of championing business psychology through:

Open chat
Our Certified Business Psychology CBPsychol® is duly registered with the Ministry of Trade and Investment, Commercial Law Department Office